Policy and Priorities
New Green is an integrated waste management company with following priorities:
First Priority
Change industrial process to eliminate use of harmful chemicals
- Use less of a harmful product
- Reduce packaging and materials in products
- Make products that last longer and are recyclable, reusable, or easy to repair
Second Priority
Secondary Pollution and Waste Prevention
- Reuse
- Repair
- Recycle
- Compost
- Buy reusable and recyclable products
Last Priority
Waste Management
- Treat waste to reduce toxicity
- Incinerate waste
- Bury waste in landfills
- Release waste into environment for dispersal or dilution
Our Mission
- To conserve, protect and preserve the environmental resources of our community.
- To reuse, reduce, recycle and intelligently dispose off waste materials.
- To promote composting, pollution and waste prevention.
- And practicing sustainable living standards.